Charity Projects

The employees at VOIT have been supporting the friends’ association Kangaroo Kids at the clinic in Saarbrücken since 1997 with the proceeds from their annual Christmas raffle. Since this time, they have provided support for the association amounting to around 176,500 euros in total! It is commitment of this kind which makes medical progress for the benefit of the little ones possible in the first place because such purchases cannot be made from the normal hospital funds.

What a great campaign: For 25 years, the St. Ingbert-based company VOIT Automotive has been supporting the Förderverein Känguruh-Kinder e. V. – and thus the work in the pediatric intensive care unit (KIS 20) of the Saarbrücken Hospital. Also this year, the proceeds of the employee raffle benefited the “Kangaroo Children”. Works council chair Sandra Dellman presented a donation check for 13,040 euros to Sigrid Reichert-Albrech of Känguruh-Kindern e. V..
This money is used to finance things that make the stay for the little ones and their parents in the premature infant ward more pleasant. Among other things, this donation will be used to purchase modern breast pumps. In our photo (from left) Sigrid Reichert-Albrech, head physician Prof. Dr. Jens Möller, administrative director Matthias Mudra, Voit works council chairwoman Sandra Dellmann, ward manager Anja Vogt, deputy works council chair Hans Peter Jörg and deputy ward manager Bianka Lambert. We say THANK YOU for the phenomenal support, which enables our Winterberg team to offer even more to families in difficult times in our pediatric intensive care unit.

On 21.01.2017, the Managing Partner of VOIT Automotive, Jerzy Pajak and Head of the Works Council, Roland Marx handed over a check for 14,000 euros in the intensive care ward of the clinic in Saarbrücken. The Chairwoman of the friends’ association Kangaroo Kids at the clinic in Saarbrücken, Silvia Huy and her Deputy Ursula Haier received the check. The money was to be used in the ward for premature babies for important new investments such as inhalers and a monitor as well as dimmable lights for the operating theatre. This light protection reduces stress in the sensitive premature babies.