Energy & Environment

Principles: Energy & Environmental Policy / Industrial Safety
Great importance is placed on the conscious, economical handling of resources such as energy, raw materials, auxiliary materials and production materials. On this basis, the cost-effective handling of resources is targeted at achieving the lowest possible impact on the environment.
Efficient energy management according to DIN ISO 50001, new energy concepts and innovative energy technologies are key factors which enable us to operate sustainably on the market.
The relevant energy and environmental laws and regulations are binding for all activities at the individual production sites and are to be strictly adhered to with regard to energy and environment-related targets.
The health and safety of our employees has the highest priority. It is ensured by creating the right personal and organisational framework conditions and by regular monitoring and control of measures which are relevant for industrial safety.
All of the effects which our company has on the environment are evaluated and monitored. By using state-of-the art and environmentally friendly technologies, based on legal regulations, all of the measures are implemented which are necessary to prevent any negative impact on the environment and to sustainably conserve natural resources.
Company processes are regularly checked to ensure that they fulfill the above principles of the energy and environmental policy in order to achieve continuous improvement of the company’s environmental protection and energy efficiency in relation to set targets. In an annual survey, which takes place as part of a management review, we determine our status quo.
Our suppliers’ and contractors’ attention is drawn to environmentally and energy conscious action. It is ensured that contractual partners provide their services within the framework of our energy and environmental policy.
Taking the whole life cycle into account, energy efficiency and environmental protection are also criteria which form part of our procurement process. In order to improve energy and environment-related performance, the company management requests the acquisition of energy efficient and environmentally compatible machines.
Our clients are advised to the appropriate degree about environmental aspects in connection with the handling, use and final storage of the company’s products.
In training courses, our company’s employees are sensitized to make them aware of their responsibility with regard to energy and the environment and are requested to use their own initiative and bring forward suggestions for improvement.
We work together as partners with the authorities in a trusting relationship and engage in open dialogue with all public institutions.
Processes for the internal control of activities and processes are laid down und applied and records and results are updated. Corrective and preventive measures (PDCA cycle) are laid down for all cases and updated whenever energy and environmental policy and the targets derived from it cannot be met.
In order to minimize any impact on the environment as a result of accidents or disruptions to operations, in agreement with public institutions, emergency exercises are carried out on a regular basis and technical and organisational measures for prevention are implemented.
As a consequence of its commitment to the corporate mission statement, the company management feels bound to its energy and environmental policy and provides the necessary information and the resources for implementing the objectives as well as controlling the effectiveness of the energy and environmental management system.