VOIT is an active partner in expert committees of business associations such as the expert committee of the Federal Association of the German Foundry Industry and the committee for industry and research at the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Federal Association of the German Foundry Industry
Industry and Research at the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Member of the Best Practice Circle for Production of the WZL RWTH Aachen
It is a matter of course for us to promote innovative thinking to the benefit of our clients. So that the necessary expertise can also be acquired, maintained and further developed in future, we are in constant dialogue with colleges and universities
We see it as our social task to support training and apprenticeships as well as giving individual students orientation and support as they embark on their careers.
University of Applied Sciences of the Saarland
Saarland University
University of the Coal and Steel Industry, Leoben
Aalen University
Workgroup for Metal Casting Ltd.
Technical University Braunschweig
Kassel University
Fraunhofer Institute for Non-Destructive Testing
Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology and Automation
We are committed to awakening enthusiasm in youngsters for technical jobs in the metal industry and offering them timely information and orientation.
For this reason, we support schools and pupils in various projects, e.g. through cooperation in the Steering Committee in the project “Independent School”, donations, annual training for making applications, information days and much more.
For interested schools, VOIT offers internships, trial days, vacation jobs and information events such as the Info Mobile and various forms of support for individual projects.
Information about training jobs in the metal and electrical industry
Partner schools/cooperations
Erweiterte Realschule St. Ingbert-Rohrbach
Albertus-Magnus-Realschule St.Ingbert
The Knowledge Workshop Saarbrücken is a workshop focusing on MINT subjects for children of all school types which is sponsored by “flagship companies” in the Saarland.