We protect the highest good of every employee
VOIT Automotive is convinced that the environment, health and protection of its employees are of great importance for the success of the company. Based on this realisation, VOIT Automotive is particularly committed to the protection of its employees in addition to the protection of the environment.
Thus, employees are regularly trained on the topic of occupational safety, accidents are comprehensively analysed and projects continuously bring occupational safety forward in an ongoing improvement process. This management system has also been confirmed by the independent certification body with DIN ISO 45001.
Therefore, our goal for the future is: 0 accidents with the most energy-efficient and environmentally friendly production possible.
Occupational Safety Policy
VOIT Automotive sees itself as part of a global ecological system whose balance and biodiversity is crucial for the continuation of all life. Joint efforts of society and company are required to ensure the protection of humans as well as natural resources such as water, air and soil. (Reference to the guideline “Energy & Environmental Policy”) VOIT Automotive is convinced that the environment, health and protection of its employees are of great importance for the success of the company. Based on this realization, VOIT Automotive is particularly committed to the protection of its employees in addition to the protection of the environment.
VOIT Automotive is committed to acting in accordance with the following principles:
One of the most important goals of VOIT Automotive GmbH is the continuous improvement in the areas of occupational safety, health, environment, plant security and energy.
We recognize health, safety and environmental protection as a significant management responsibility and ensure that these objectives are achieved.
Each employee protects his or her own health as well as the health of other employees and takes care to prevent accidents and work-related illnesses.
Occupational health and safety as well as environmental and energy aspects are already taken into account in the planning of new products, activities and processes, regularly monitored and improved where necessary.
We constantly inform our employees as well as external companies about the areas of health, safety, energy and the environment in order to motivate them and to ensure that they act in a safety and environmentally conscious manner at all times. We also rely on measures to consistently involve employees and external companies in occupational health and safety or on their feedback with regard to our EnUmAs management system.
We cooperate in a spirit of trust with all interfaces in all matters of environmental protection and occupational safety. Authorities, associations and the public are informed about all important aspects.
VOIT Automotive understands the statutory provisions and other legal requirements in the area of environmental protection, energy protection and occupational safety as minimum requirements. We therefore strive for a higher standard in all areas of environmental protection and occupational safety.
We provide the necessary means and resources to achieve environmental, energy and occupational health and safety goals and ensure that they are used efficiently.